(262) 673-3155District Office
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Mission Statement

The School District of Hartford Jt. #1 4K program believes that every age-eligible child in Hartford has a right to a high-quality, universally-accessible and developmentally-appropriate preschool education.

We accomplish this through:

  • * Intentionally-designed, play-based instruction
  • * Encouraging voluntary participation of families
  • * Recognizing and being sensitive to the diverse needs within the Hartford community
  • * Community collaboration that supports children a jump-start in school

The Hartford Jt. #1 School District 4K Program runs five days a week for three hours. We offer extension care for students. Our teachers are certified by the state of Wisconsin and are employed by the School District of Hartford Jt. #1. Morning and afternoon sessions are available at Lincoln Elementary and Rossman Elementary. Please call Pupil Services at (262) 673-8042 if you have questions about 4K program registration or placement.

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