(262) 673-3155District Office

Curriculum & Instruction
Curriculum & Instruction
At HJT1, we strive to ensure our students are Life Ready by providing opportunities that are dedicated to the success of each student through a viable guaranteed curriculum. The Curriculum & Instruction Department oversees programming, as well as continuous improvement, for students and staff supported by learning specialists/coaches, community coordinators, and professional development.
Districts are required by law to notify the parents/guardians of the student academic standards that will be in effect for the school year. Adopted by the School Board in July 2021, the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards will continue to be used to identify student academic standards in all subjects taught including mathematics, science, English Language Arts (ELA) and social studies.
Using the Wisconsin Model Academic Standards, staff of the School District of Hartford Jt. 1 map District benchmarks and design curriculum that rigorously meets the high expectations of our local professional learning community under the leadership of a School Board. In addition, the Board approves the selection of textbook adoptions, instructional materials and resources that facilitate the delivery of the curriculum to ensure students meet proficiency levels.
Wisconsin Standards by Subject Area
English Language Arts
The District curriculum is written with the learner at the center and provides a comprehensive approach to education preparing students to be Life Ready for the world beyond a place called school. The curriculum must be accessible to all learners and provide teachers with the flexibility to differentiate for students of all abilities and backgrounds.
The District curriculum details what students should know, be able to do, and understand as well as how to deliver the content that results in student achievement required by the state standards. It includes Big Ideas and Essential Questions that provide focus and clarity to a grade level or course. The curriculum is a roadmap for how student learning will be assessed and what materials and resources will be used for instruction.
Scope & Sequence
The District has published a calendar that represents the approximate focus by subject area and grade level for each month of the school year. Please review below:
Elementary Scope & Sequence (Grades K-5)
Middle School Scope & Sequence (Grades 6-8)