New Student Online Enrollment
Parents/guardians must complete an enrollment application for each new student they wish to enroll at Hartford Joint #1.
The resources on this page will provide a timeline of activities related to applying for enrollment, as well as a detailed help guide that will walk you through the process of completing an enrollment application online and a link to the online enrollment.
Click on a heading to open the document/site:
* Provides a detailed description of the online enrollment application process
* Includes screenshots to help navigate the application process
If you DO NOT currently have a student enrolled at Central, Lincoln or Rossman, click here
If you DO currently have a student enrolled at Central, Lincoln, or Rossman, click here
Please have the following documents available in order to complete online enrollment:
- Original birth certificate
- Immunization record
For grades K-5, Sumner Street (Hwy 60) is used to determine which school your child/children will attend:
- For families living on the north side of Sumner Street:
Rossman Elementary School
600 Highland Avenue
Hartford, WI 53027
(262) 673-3300
- For families living on the south side of Sumner Street:
Lincoln Elementary School
755 S. Rural Street
Hartford, WI 53027
(262) 673-2100
For Grades 6-8:
- Central Middle School
1100 Cedar Street
Hartford, WI 53027
(262) 673-8040