Improve and augment safety and crisis management plans – including an annual report and collaboration with Hartford Police and Hartford Fire & Rescue Departments.
Practice drills to better enhance preparedness.
Upon completion of drills, debrief to assist in upgrading safety practices.
Be Responsive to Making Decisions that are Student Centered
Work on measuring District priorities and maximizing student learning.
Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely expectations via continuous improvement plans.
Implement programs that accelerate unfinished learning as well as enrich and advance core learning.
Celebrate accomplishments that support desired outcomes.
Provide professional development that is individualized, meaningful and best practice to support student learning.
Nurture the staff and parent/guardian relationship to support student learning.
Promote Fiscal Responsibility
Create, optimize, develop and maintain a sustainable balanced budget that reflects District needs and the community's expectations.
Develop long-range plans for maintenance and capital improvements.
Communicate success to staff and public.
Promote extended learning opportunities with the use of ESSER funds.
Leverage opportunities to retain high quality staff.